First of all, Happy Friday! Second of all, I didn't plan on writing about Easter again today, but here goes:
These ideas come straight from The Big Green Purse. I hope you'll check out their site, because they share lots of good info on green living.
"Green" your own grass. Skip that yucky shredded plastic stuff. Make your own "grass" by shredding paper (or the Sunday comics). Next year, get started three weeks in advance and grow actual grass you can fit in your basket.
Dye eggs the natural way. Warning: this method takes more time than just dropping a commercial dye tablet in a cup full of vinegar and water. But if you like a challenge, give it a try. Use cranberry juice, pomegranate seeds, beets, raspberries, or red onion skins for pink and red. Saffron or tumeric will create yellow. Blueberries tint blue (naturally!). Yellow onion skins will create orange.