Lexie shows you how to create bags with pockets where you need them, straps that feel good on your shoulder, and dimensions that work for whatever you want to carry. Lexie's simple instructions make it painless and fun to sew totes, messenger bags, drawstring sacks, handbags, and much more--exactly what you want, exactly the way you want it.
Trust me, if there is anyone who can appreciate the need for great, functional design it's Lexie. She's a busy mom with four young boys, an entrepreneur and self-taught designer with her own successful line of handbags and accessories, and she is also the founder and director of Twist, a contemporary craft and arts event in Northampton, MA.
Don't you think "Sew What! Bags" makes a great Mother's Day gift? Better yet, make them a bag from one of the book's 18 pattern free projects. Get sewing.