Hope you all had a lovely start to your summer with plenty of Memorial Day festivities. We were supposed to head to the beach for the weekend, but a massive storm ripped through here last Thursday night and changed everything. It was the scariest storm I had ever experienced in this house. The wind was whirling around in every direction, and all we could hear were trees cracking and glass breaking. My patio umbrella and table went flying across the lawn, smashing all my glass candle holders along the way. In the flashes of lightening, I could see that the huge tree behind our chicken coop was no longer there, but we couldn't see if the coop was damaged. I woke my daughter and brought her downstairs, because the sound of tree branches scraping against her window was too much for me. Soon after, the winds calmed and we could see through the bright strikes of lightening that our Memorial Day would consist of a lot of clean up and little relaxation. We had no power or Internet access for the following two days, so today I'm playing catch up with work, plus I'm pretty exhausted from hauling tree limbs. The good news is the tree just missed the coop, but did damage the run. I'm still in shock, and even today, I could see the sky turn black again, so I ran out to salvage some of my peonies. They're just blooming, and I knew a hard rain would destroy them. I'm so thankful everyone is OK. I would like a do-over though on this whole long-weekend thing, 'cause I sure could use that beach break.