Sylvester (April 2009-May 11, 2010)
Well, we finally did it. We put the rooster down. He was such a nasty bugger that it's hard to say I miss him. As you know, the decision did not come easy. Of course, we knew his endless attacks were all based on his natural instincts to protect his girls. But as he got bigger, his attacks were just too aggressive, and I worried about my daughter and her friends, since they're much smaller than me. I must confess, things are so much nicer without Sylvester. It's quieter, and once again, the daily trip to the coop for eggs is a pleasure. I must also confess, that he was quite tasty too. Yes, my husband cleaned him and he was roasted. We also made chicken soup. Nothing has gone to waste. The hens seem to be getting along fine, too. The only thing my husband noted is that things seem a little messier without Sylvester ruling the roost. I had to chuckle at that. I wondered if it was just my husband projecting his own bias there. He's always had a distorted sense that he's tidier than me. I digress. The point is, this chicken thing has it's ups and downs, but for the most part, we love it!