One summer, when my husband and I were newly in love,
Carly Simon gave us a ride. We had a summer place in Menemsha on Martha's Vineyard. Menemsha is quite a ways up-island from the ferry, and we didn't have a ride that day, so we stuck our thumbs out. Seconds later a car pulled over, and as I climbed in the back seat I instantly saw her big stunning smile. I said, "Hey Carly", as though I had known her my whole life. Then, upon realizing what was actually happening, I went into shy mode and barely said two words. Luckily, my husband doesn't have a shy bone in his body. He and Carly chatted. Her son Ben was also in the car, and he and Carly bickered, just like any mom and teenage boy. He was teasing her, but she seemed amused by it all. She took us as far as she could. As we said our goodbyes and thanks, she cheerfully added that we were a cute couple and she would pray for us. Her prayers must have worked because that was 18-years ago and he's still my great love. So, if you ever go to the Vineyard, you must stop by Carly's incredible
shop in Vineyard Haven. She and her friend Tamara Weiss have a funky selection of goods from all over the world at their shop
Midnight Farm. Like her cheerful smile and beautiful music, the shop is a memorable experience. I promise, you will enjoy the ride.