We love outdoor dining, but flies can really take the magic out of any picnic. This Glass Fly Catcher , from Farmhouse Wares, takes care of these pests the old-fashioned way--without harmful toxins. This charming and natural fly catcher will have guests buzzing as your garden becomes a fly free zone. It has a hole in the bottom. Fill it with something tantalizing. Flies get in but they can’t get out. A good all-natural fly catching recipe, based on the old adage, “you can catch more flies with molasses than vinegar”, is a simple mixture of equal parts molasses and water.
"You can never beat prejudice by a frontal attack, because there is mere emotion at the root of it. Always flank it. You can catch more flies with molasses than you can with vinegar."
"You can never beat prejudice by a frontal attack, because there is mere emotion at the root of it. Always flank it. You can catch more flies with molasses than you can with vinegar."
-- James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey (1875 - 1927)