Thursday, April 30, 2009

What is she up to?

Sometimes my daughter makes certain facial expressions that just remind me of a Yoshitomo Nara painting.

Image source.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Take Precautions

The Swine Flu is just scary. When it comes to proactively protecting ourselves the experts repeat--over and over--wash your hands. But there are times when we simply don't have access to soap and water. Most every mom I know carries some type of hand sanitizer in her purse. They come in handy at the playground, the office or school, and when traveling. Trouble is, most conventional hand purifiers aren't that healthy. Most are packed with alcohol, which can damage the skin, actually leaving you more susceptible to germs. There's also concern that synthetic antibacterials cause germ resistance or "super germs".

Clean George is a healthy alternative. Clean George is the only hand purifier of its kind on the market that is alcohol free and moisturizes the skin. Clean George is an all-natural hand purifier, packed with an array of purifying & moisturizing ingredients supplied by responsible companies who practice sustainable agriculture. Clean George does not promote germ resistance or "SUPER GERMS" - Tea Tree and Manuka Oils have been working in harmony with nature for centuries. All ingredients have been painstakingly selected with safety, efficacy and the environment in mind.

Clean George has ECOCERT*, Certified Organic, FSC* Certified ingredients and is a member of the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC).

Monday, April 27, 2009

Farmhouse Fresh White Lilac

If you're like me and you can't wait for the lilacs to bloom so you can fill your house with their fresh, clean scent, then I have just thing. You will love the Farmhouse Fresh White Lilac line of home goods. This environmentally friendly line, by Sweet Grass Farm, includes laundry care products, dish soap, linen spray, furniture wax and more. Your mood will improve when you tackle spring cleaning with the Farmhouse products, and your home will smell heavenly.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Weekend Life

Happy Weekend!

Photo from Life .

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hubby, Meet Mr. Tophat

My husband has this way of always asking me where things are. Most of the time these things are right under his nose. It's like a strange inability comes over him. I especially grew tired of him asking me for the bottle opener, because we keep it in the misc (a.k.a junk) drawer, and though it is usually right under one's nose, it's admittedly a pain to find. So I hung this Mr. Tophat Cast Iron Bottle Opener right by the fridge. Now when my husband asks for the bottle opener all I have to do is point and say, "It's right under Mr. Tophat's nose." Mr. Tophat is available and ready to serve. Get yours at Farmhouse Wares.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Have A Blissful Earth Day

I think every day is Earth Day. Don't you?

This gorgeous image is from Mrs. French of Blissful Images.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fairy Catching

We went on a fairy catching expedition this past weekend, and we caught this little cutie. Don't worry--it was strictly a catch and release opperation. We let her go, and she quickly ran into a patch of daffodils. If you're interested, we used Professor Dalrymple's Deluxe Patented Fairy Catching System. I highly recommend it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Come see what's new and save

Come see what's lighting up Farmhouse Wares this summer and enjoy 15% off any purchase. Offer expires midnight April 25, 2009. JUST ENTER THE CODE "save" UPON CHECKOUT.
(not valid on previous purchases. while supplies last.)

Top: Medina Hurricanes with Glass Inserts
Bottom Left: Woodacre Lanterns
Bottom Right: Squirrel Lamp by Roost

Come visit Farmhouse Wares today.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Have Some Fun

Make time for some good, old-fashioned, carefree fun this weekend.

Image and inspiration from The Lisa Porter Collection.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Be Still My Heart

I am a huge fan of the Butterfly bush. The buddleia may just be the perfect plant. They have gorgeous blooms that smell incredible and the butterflies and hummingbirds love them. So when I saw that Proven Winners now has this miniature buddleia, called Lo & Behold "Blue Chip", my heart started beating. This physiological reaction is a sure sign that I will be opening my wallet at the nearest garden center even though I have told myself there would be NO NEW plants this year. Ha! Lo and behold! The Blue Chip shall soon grace my patio.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

yummy art

I came across this Japanese watermelon art today here. Amazing! Bring that to your next family picnic and you're sure to be a big hit.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sew What! Bags

Take one look in my closets and you'll quickly learn that I have a bit of a thing for bags. Doesn't every girl? Imagine being able to create your own bags with fabrics you love. Think you don't have the time or expertise? Designer Lexie Barnes makes it easy in her new book,"Sew What! Bags."

Lexie shows you how to create bags with pockets where you need them, straps that feel good on your shoulder, and dimensions that work for whatever you want to carry. Lexie's simple instructions make it painless and fun to sew totes, messenger bags, drawstring sacks, handbags, and much more--exactly what you want, exactly the way you want it.

Trust me, if there is anyone who can appreciate the need for great, functional design it's Lexie. She's a busy mom with four young boys, an entrepreneur and self-taught designer with her own successful line of handbags and accessories, and she is also the founder and director of Twist, a contemporary craft and arts event in Northampton, MA.

Don't you think "Sew What! Bags" makes a great Mother's Day gift? Better yet, make them a bag from one of the book's 18 pattern free projects. Get sewing.

Get "Sew What! Bags" at Farmhouse Wares.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Outdoor Entertaining

Happy Monday! Did you have a good weekend? The Easter Bunny stopped by our place. It was a little brisk for egg hunting, but we bundled up to look for eggs at 7 am--ouch.

Though it was cool and windy, the sun was inviting and the grass is getting greener. These are sure signs that outdoor entertaining will be in full swing soon. We spend tons of time dining outdoors, which is why I love this Rustic Rattan Food Cover and Tray with coordinating Utensil Caddy by Roost and now available at Farmhouse Wares. Featuring hand-woven rattan with an unpeeled, natural finish, this set has relaxed, elegant style. The food cover is perfect for keeping your treats sheltered from pesky flies, while the tray makes serving easy. Perfect for picnics and country garden parties. Are you ready to dine out tonight?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Weekend

Hope you all have a great holiday weekend.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Got Milk? I Sure Could Have Used Some

This piece of pound cake make look sweet and innocent. Don't let that fool you. A piece of pound cake nearly killed me yesterday. I made the big mistake of skipping lunch. By late afternoon I was starving. The pound cake was there. I didn't have to cook, chop or prepare anything. So I began inhaling quite a large piece. Suddenly it became lodged in my throat, and I realized there wasn't any milk. It all reminded me of the scene in the movie Trust the Man, where Julianne Moore is on a no carb diet and, in a weak moment, starts wolfing down birthday cake. Yup--that was me. I practically stuck my head under the faucet to get relief. Pretty elegant stuff, huh. The moral of the story: EAT YOUR LUNCH.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Carly Simon Gave Me a Ride

One summer, when my husband and I were newly in love, Carly Simon gave us a ride. We had a summer place in Menemsha on Martha's Vineyard. Menemsha is quite a ways up-island from the ferry, and we didn't have a ride that day, so we stuck our thumbs out. Seconds later a car pulled over, and as I climbed in the back seat I instantly saw her big stunning smile. I said, "Hey Carly", as though I had known her my whole life. Then, upon realizing what was actually happening, I went into shy mode and barely said two words. Luckily, my husband doesn't have a shy bone in his body. He and Carly chatted. Her son Ben was also in the car, and he and Carly bickered, just like any mom and teenage boy. He was teasing her, but she seemed amused by it all. She took us as far as she could. As we said our goodbyes and thanks, she cheerfully added that we were a cute couple and she would pray for us. Her prayers must have worked because that was 18-years ago and he's still my great love. So, if you ever go to the Vineyard, you must stop by Carly's incredible shop in Vineyard Haven. She and her friend Tamara Weiss have a funky selection of goods from all over the world at their shop Midnight Farm. Like her cheerful smile and beautiful music, the shop is a memorable experience. I promise, you will enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

That's a Load of Crap

Yes, that's crap, as in manure--composted manure, which is like gold in my garden world. I hauled load after load of it this past weekend. My neighbor was kind enough to give me a humongous pile of this manure last fall. I felt like a lucky girl that day. While I was spreading the crap--not so much. It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it. My cat, Katrina, thought it was the best day of her life. She expressed her happiness by rolling in each new drop zone and crushing my flowers. I am sure that one warm summer evening I'll be sitting in the garden--cocktail in hand, and I will look back on this chore with fondness. Ah, who am I kidding--it stunk.

Monday, April 6, 2009

First Dibs on Free Shipping

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a dreamy weekend. I did a lot of garden clean up with my husband while our daughter enjoyed her rich social life (believe me--it's richer than mine).

Farmhouse Wares is having a free shipping event, and I wanted to give you first dibs on the offer. There are so many great items to choose from. You can enjoy this free shipping offer now through April 12, 2009. I hope you find something you like!

(while supplies last.)
click here to begin shopping

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Our Chicken Coop

Last spring my daughter's class had several chicks they hatched and raised for a short while. She was hooked, so my husband began building a chicken coop for her. They were thinking of something small,
but I was thinking Martha Stewart.
You know, something simple like Martha's Turkey Hill coop shown above.
And with some style. Like Eleanor Mondale's coop from Country Living. Love the chandelier. A coop needs good lighting.

This is what we have so far. It's a work in progress, but considering the chicks are supposed to be here for Easter, we better make some more progress ASAP. Now, Martha called her coop Palais de Poulet and Eleanor calls hers Cluckingham Palace. I think we need a good name. Any ideas?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Hatfield Sycamore Tree

This Majestic Sycamore Tree
lived in Hatfiled, Massachusetts
for nearly 300 years.
He was a big boy
with a base circumference of 28.5' in 2006
But one day last summer a huge limb
came crashing down.
This brocken limb, nicknamed "the widow maker",
was not a good sign of things to come for this beloved tree.

The dreaded pink slip was handed down.
And though the town's people were sad
to learn about the sick old sycamore's fate, they knew it was for the best.

And so the process of deconstructing
nearly 300 years of living began.

The extent of its rot was alarming.

To see how time can wear down something so solid,
turning it into a hollow shell, was not so much poetic, but more of a reminder.

It seemed like everyone in town came
to take a piece of this history away with them.
Piece by piece it was carted off.
The stump was ground back into the earth,
but its roots still remain.